CRUD (Create) Operation on Dynamics 365

CRUD in Dynamics 365

As a developer perspective CRUD is the fundamental. Dynamics 365 9.x gives the full support by using Xrm.webApi makes developer life easy.It can be used in both Online & offline version of D-365.
Bellow is the list of method most commonly used for CRUD operation.

Method Description
createRecord Creates an entity record.
deleteRecord Deletes an entity record.
retrieveRecord Retrieves an entity record.
retrieveMultipleRecords Retrieves a collection of entity records.
updateRecord Updates an entity record.
isAvailableOffline Returns a boolean value indicating whether an entity is present in user’s profile and is currently available for use in offline mode.
execute Execute a single action, function, or CRUD operation.
executeMultiple Execute a collection of action, function, or CRUD operations.

CRUD Examples on Dynamics 365 Opportunity Entity

createRecord : Creates an entity record.

Syntax : Xrm.WebApi.createRecord(entityLogicalName, data).then(successCallback, errorCallback);

Example : Create Record

1:  //Note :- Initialized the XRM boject first  
2:  var Xrm = parent.Xrm;  
4:  //Step 1- Create a Javascript function  
5:  function createContact() {  
6:    var contactObj = null;  
7:    try {  
9:      //Step 2 - Create the Opportunity object  
10:      objOppty = new Object();  
11:      //Step 3- field mapping  
12: = "Mike";  
13:      objOppty.Isdelete = false;  
14:      //set optionsetvalue  
15:      objOppty.opportunitystatus = 2;  
16:      //set the lookup value & Pass the guid of the lookup  
17:      objOppty["parentcustomerid_account@odata.bind"] = "/accounts(xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)"  
19:      //Step 4- Call funtion  
20:      Xrm.WebApi.createRecord("opportunity", objOppty).then(function (result) {  
21:        //guid of created record is returned  
22:        var recordId =;  
23:        if (recordId != null)  
24:        {  
25:          xrm.Utility.openDialog("Record is saved.");  
26:        }  
27:      })  
28:     .fail(function (error) {  
29:       Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(error.message);  
30:     });  
32:    } catch (e) {  
33:      Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(e.message);  
34:    }  
35:  }  

On my next blogg I Will cover the "Read,Update, Delete". See you soon.
